Problem Statement

The cryptocurrency´s microcap scene has enabled a significant number of people the opportunity to generate life-changing wealth. In return, this has attracted more and more people to the cryptocurrency space over time.

Initially, the "micro-cap casino" was very concentrated, with only a few chains to pick from, hence placing many limitations on investors and developers. In addition, each chain only had a small number of tokens being launched on it each day.

Fast-forward to today: A bunch of additional chains have popped up, and deploying on most of them has become a lot easier. In addition, there are thousands of new tokens being launched daily, which makes it next to near impossible to keep track of, especially for your average investor who is looking for that diamond in the haystack.

The opportunity of "quick money”, paired with the ease of deployment, has unfortunately resulted in attracting an increasingly high number of malicious "developers" launching multiple times with the sole intention of scamming early investors through malicious contracts, honeypots or liquidity pulls. All of these issues combined has given the space a bad reputation.

Besides the fact that the vast majority of launches nowadays are from teams that have bad intentions, the sheer amount of launches also led to the actual good-intentioned peoples´ projects not being able to garner any attention as it was getting increasingly difficult to stand out and attract an audience for a project.

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